Sunday, December 13, 2015

Travel Day!

We both agree even on this travel day it really hasn't hit us that we were traveling to Korea to meet Charlie.  Brent's parents picked us up early and drove us to the airport. We both seemed to have that feeling of nervousness to make sure you check in on time and make your connecting flight.  As we said our goodbyes to Brent's parents it seemed odd most likely the next time we would see them they would be grandparents again and we would be a family of three!! Everything went smoothly with our travel.  We made our flight to Atlanta on time and then to Korea on time as well.  Our flight from Atlanta to Korea was about 15 hours!!  I'm not going to lie it was rough!  Neither one of us seem to be able to rest or sleep well when flying.  I like to stay moving and even though we would get up and move around it was still rough, BUT we are SO thankful there is a way to fly across the world and have the opportunity to be in Korea and of course meet Charlie!  We would do it over and over again if we had to :)  Once landing in Korea immigration and customs went super smoothly and actually very quickly.  We exchanged some money, figured out which bus we needed to take to our apartment purchased bus tickets, and also rented a wifi router (called an egg).  Thank goodness for this little egg!  It was a life saver to be able to use our phones to figure out the subways and bus routes to get around the first day.  Again we are so thankful for modern technology, there is no way we would have been able to find our way around the first day in Korea. We made it safely to Korea and we cannot wait until we meet Charlie.  Tomorrow is the day we have dreamed about for years now!! 

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