Saturday, December 19, 2015

Seoul Tower and Namdaemun Market

Friday night I think I slept the best yet!  We were both still dealing with some jet lag and also recovering from the whirlwind of emotions this past week. Saturday we stayed around the apartment in the morning and decided to head out to visit Seoul Tower later in the afternoon.  We knew it would most likely be crowded as Seoul Tower is visited by many tourist and very popular at sunset to see all the lights surrounding Seoul.  We decided to take the cable car to the top instead of hiking since we were "recovering and relaxing" that is what we told ourselves.  It was still daylight once we made it up to Seoul Tower.  Below the observatory area there are gift shops, cafes, and restaturants. We decided to go ahead and grab dinner at the "Best Burger in Seoul".  It was pretty delicious and the restaurant had great views of the city.  We finished dinner and headed on up to the observatory packing into an elevator.  The observatory is amazing.  You can walk around the circular design and see all of Seoul.  You can't appreciate how large this city is until you see it from Seoul Tower.  The sun began to set as we took pictures and then we were able to see the city at night with all the beautiful lights.  It began to get really crowded so we headed back down.  At the bottom of the tower there are still amazing views.  There is an area designated for "locks of love".  Significant others come to this area and leave padlocks with written messages on the locks declaring their eternal love.  There are thousands and thousands of locks on display.  Brent and I did not end up bringing a padlock so we did not participate.  However, we did have some quite time just sitting together and taking in the views.  On our way back to our apartment we stopped in Namdaemun Market, one of Korea's largest and oldest markets.  We browsed around the streets that are filled with vendors selling food, clothing, and handmade goods.  You literally walk shoulder to shoulder with each other in market, people are out and about everywhere in this city!   We look forward to touring more of Seoul and learning as much as we can about Korea during our stay.


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